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  • Wed, November 29, 2023 9:04 AM | Melissa Byrnes (Administrator)

    Ben Trombetta

    Recruiting Assistant

    Gibson, Dunn, & Crutcher LLP

    This month WALRAA is proud to shine a spotlight on Ben Trombetta! Ben is the Recruiting Assistant at Gibson, Dunn, Crutcher LLP. This is his first year as a WALRAA member. Read about his experience working in legal recruiting, favorite career moment so far, and more in his own words below. 

    1.      How long have you been a member of WALRAA? What has been your favorite experience so far?
    I became a WALRAA member this past January. One of my favorite experiences was the 2023 Educational Conference, which took place shortly after I started at Gibson Dunn. It served as a great introduction to the industry, and is where I met some of my first “WALRAA friends” and professional mentors!

    2.      How has WALRAA helped you in your field?
    WALRAA has helped me gain valuable perspective about legal recruiting as a whole. WALRAA brings together fantastic people from all corners of the legal industry, and it’s been a joy to make meaningful connections with peers and mentors, especially at the start of my career. I walk away from each panel, presentation, or social gathering having learned something new, and am deeply grateful for the people that make up this organization.

    3.      How did you first learn about and get started in Attorney Recruiting/Career Services?
    Like many other WALRAA members, I tripped and fell into my current role. In October 2022, I visited Charlottesville and caught up with my friends Khuyen Dinh and Claire Lagarde. Claire, who interned for the UVA Law Career Services team at the time, passed along an opportunity at Gibson Dunn and put me in touch with Kevin Donovan to learn more. One application and a few interviews later, and here I am! If it weren’t for Kevin, Claire, and Khuyen, I wouldn’t have known about this field – I’ll always be thankful for their guidance and help.

    4.      What is your favorite moment of your career so far?
    Meeting our summer associates in-person for the first time! I enjoyed getting to know such an inspiring group of law students over the course of the summer, and it helped me put everything into context ahead of the 2024 recruiting cycle.

    5.      What is it that challenges you most in your job?
    Figuring out balance! Particularly in the summer, it always seems like there is more I could be doing, but there are only so many hours in the workday. Luckily, I never feel like it’s all on me. I’m fortunate to work with a very supportive team and have colleagues that look out for me!

    6.      How do you balance your career and personal life?
    I try my best to “leave work at work” and cultivate a personal life that’s filled with meaningful activities. Some days, that looks like cooking dinner with my roommate, reading a book, and enjoying a night in, and others that looks like running on the Rock Creek trails, catching a Nats Game, or attending a concert with friends. I aim to listen to my body and prioritize rest when I need it, even during busier periods. At the end of the day, we can’t perform at our best if we aren’t taking care of ourselves!

    7.     What professional goals have you set for yourself this year?
    This coming year, I hope to continue to gain confidence in my role and learn about our firm, law schools, and the wider legal industry. I’d love to engage more fully with WALRAA and get to know junior members of different firms more closely!

    8.      What is the best professional advice you have received?
    “You don’t need to have it all figured out. Take things one day at a time.”

    After graduating from the University of Virginia in May 2022, I was both excited and overwhelmed by career possibilities. For so long, my goal was to graduate college – but then what? I found myself feeling aimless, without clear direction.

    I moved back to my hometown in New York for a few months, which was one of the best decisions I could’ve made. With the help of my mom, dad, and sister, I found my center again, and embraced uncertainty. This mindset led me to D.C. and Gibson Dunn, and has stuck with me ever since!

    9.    What do you like to do for fun?
    I love to spend time outdoors, and am an avid runner and hiker. I recently started rock climbing, and hope to join a gym in the D.C. area soon! I also enjoy exploring D.C. – seeking out live music/theatre, trying new restaurants, or just going for a walk through a new neighborhood.

    10.  Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know?
    I was a music major at UVA, and studied classical voice! Music has (and always will be) a huge part of my life. Now, I sing with The Washington Chorus in D.C. – come to one of our concerts in November or December!

  • Wed, October 25, 2023 8:55 AM | Melissa Byrnes (Administrator)

    Deshawn Cook

    Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator

    Williams & Connolly LLP

    This month WALRAA is proud to shine a spotlight on Deshawn Cook! Dashawn is the Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator at Williams & Connolly LLP. They joined WALRAA in 2021. Read about their experience working in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB), the best professional advice they received, and more in their own words below. 

    1.      How long have you been a member of WALRAA? What has been your favorite experience so far?
    I've been a member of WALRAA for 2 years. I have thoroughly enjoyed connecting with various members at socials. This has been a great way for me to network and build connections that further the work I am doing at my firm.

    2.      How has WALRAA helped you in your field?
    I have extensive DEIB experience in the undergraduate Higher Education arena. Working at Williams & Connolly has been my first experience doing DEIB work outside of a college/university. WALRAA has helped me gain a better understanding of the legal field as it applies to my role.

    3.      How did you first learn about and get started in Attorney Recruiting/Career Services?
    I am more Attorney Recruiting adjacent at my firm. I work closely with our Attorney Recruiting team as a function of my role and it has been a pleasure getting to know the work they do and to support our amazing team in any way I can.

    4.      What is your favorite moment of your career so far?
    Receiving messages from Summer Associates saying that my involvement in their summer program has had a lasting impact on them.

    5.      What is it that challenges you most in your job?
    Finding moments to focus on self-care. DEIB work is not easy just like many other roles. Keeping up with what is going on in the world, supporting colleagues during tough times, and fostering an inclusive community is challenging work that requires adequate self-care to ensure I can continue doing this work at a high level. I get a lot of enjoyment out of the work I do, but this does not mean I wouldn't benefit from recharging my battery.

    6.      How do you balance your career and personal life?
    Setting up clear boundaries around my time and knowing when to say, "no" or "I don't have the capacity for this right now."

    7.      What professional goals have you set for yourself this year?
    I want to continue to enhance what we offer our employees. Working with our affinity groups and our Families Committee has been really important work for me as I strive to make our spaces as inclusive as possible.

    8.      What is the best professional advice you have received?
    "If you don't like someone, they should never know." Everyone is not going to be your cup of tea, but we all have a responsibility to be cordial and have serving our constituents as a priority regardless if we are friends or not. I pride myself and ensuring the work gets done and that folx feel a sense of belonging at their place of work.

    9.      What do you like to do for fun?
    I love dancing and singing first and foremost. On these colder days, you can often find me knitting and/or crocheting something for a loved one as well.

    10.  Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know?
    Related to what I like to do for fun, many people do not know that I used to be a professional dancer as a teenager and I've had the pleasure of performing (singing) at Carnegie Hall. I am also an avid learner. I have 4 degrees (BA, MA, D. Litt., and MSJ) and though I say I'm done with school, I'll likely go back for another degree at some point. I'm currently learning American Sign Language and can see myself seeking a degree/certificate of some sort in that field.

  • Wed, September 27, 2023 11:41 AM | Melissa Byrnes (Administrator)

    Emerald Chauncey

    Employer Outreach Consultant  

    GW Law School

    This month WALRAA is excited to shine a spotlight on Emerald Chauncey! Emerald is the Employer Outreach Consultant in the Center for Professional Development and Career Strategy at GW Law School. She joined WALRAA last year in 2022. Read about how WALRAA has helped in her career development, her professional goals for this year and more in her own words below. 

    1.      How long have you been a member of WALRAA? What has been your favorite experience so far?
    10 months! My favorite experience so far has been attending the WALRAA Educational Conference. I met so many great legal practitioners and enjoyed the diversity of the presentations.

    2.      How has WALRAA helped you in your field?
    WALRAA has helped me by providing amazing resources from various perspectives in the legal industry which is key to effective communication and collaboration.

    3.      How did you first learn about and get started in Attorney Recruiting/Career Services?
    I first learned about Attorney Recruiting/ Career Services through a family member who worked for a firm in Los Angeles.

    4.      What is your favorite moment of your career so far?
    Coordinating the 2023 GW Law Commencement Ceremony!

    5.      What is it that challenges you most in your job?
    Learning legal lingo!

    6.      How do you balance your career and personal life?
    I use a calendar to coordinate my life. I am very visual so I need to see how my time is being used. Most importantly I listen to my body and rest when I need to.

    7.      What professional goals have you set for yourself this year?
    I want to continue to increase the visibility of public interest at GW Law School and continue working on my MBA.

    8.      What is the best professional advice you have received?
    Don't be afraid to be authentic, there is no one else like you!

    9.      What do you like to do for fun?
    I love live music and go to a ton of concerts. The Renaissance with Beyoncé was amazing!

    10.  Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know?
    I was a flight attendant for eight years prior to joining GW Law School.

  • Thu, September 14, 2023 4:05 PM | Sarah Hayden (Administrator)

    Written by: Justin Henry, Christine Charnosky, and Jessie Yount

    A growing number of law school students are being recruited ahead of the formal on-campus interview (OCI) process to Am Law 50 firms like Palo Alto, California-based Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati and Boston-based Goodwin Procter. Meanwhile, other firms like Los Angeles-based Sheppard Mullin are exploring the possibility of early recruiting to avoid losing out in the competition for scouting law school talent.

    Last year, firms reported making more early offers than in any previous survey conducted by the National Association for Law Placement—3,145 offers in total, or 23.3% of all offers to second-year students for summer 2023 programs. That’s nearly twice the number of early offers made in 2021, when firms made a total of only 1,771 early offers, or 12.3% of all offers to second-year students.

    Law school students tend to start bidding for interview spots for 2L summer programs in the lead up to their second year of law school, but through pre-OCI recruiting, students are engaging with firms as early as February, law school deans say.

    It’s no surprise that many of the most elite players in the industry have sought a more “free market alternative” to OCI, which NALP executive director Niki Gray described as a “very artificial process.” That sentiment is echoed by several of the firms that use pre-OCI recruiting.

    Full Article

  • Fri, August 25, 2023 10:36 AM | Melissa Byrnes (Administrator)

    Sherry Bridge

    Professional Development Administrator

    Williams & Connolly LLP

    This month WALRAA is excited to shine a spotlight on Sherry Bridge! Sherry serves as WALRAA’s Treasurer and has been a member since 2015. She started her career as a practicing attorney, then found her passion for attorney professional development. Read about her favorite career moments, how she manages work-life balance, and more in her own words below. 

    1.      How long have you been a member of WALRAA? What has been your favorite experience so far?
    I've been a member since 2015. My favorite events are trivia nights, but I've also learned a lot at the education conferences.

    2.      How has WALRAA helped you in your field?
    My current supervisor was my WALRAA mentor several years ago, so WALRAA has definitely helped me network in the field.

    3.      How did you first learn about and get started in Attorney Recruiting/Career Services?
    I was a practicing attorney and previously worked as a CLE and Pro Bono Coordinator at a local bar association. That's when I realized that working in attorney professional development was a good fit for me, and I've been in this field ever since.

    4.      What is your favorite moment of your career so far?
    My favorite moment in my career so far has been sitting down with and listening to students. It is a joyful experience to help them feel heard and to increase their confidence to take the next steps toward their desired path.

    5.      What is it that challenges you most in your job?
    It's challenging because certain times of the year that are so much busier than others (especially during the summer), but it helps that I work with the best team in the attorney recruiting department!

    6.      How do you balance your career and personal life?
    I try to plan time off regularly and unplug during these times so that I return to the office refreshed.

    7.      What professional goals have you set for yourself this year?
    My goal is to be more involved with WALRAA, and I'm currently serving on the Board which has allowed me to get to know other members better.

    8.      What is the best professional advice you have received?
    Never miss an opportunity to have a cup of coffee with someone.

    9.      What do you like to do for fun?
    I've always loved to read and have joined two book clubs since COVID! I also enjoy spending time outdoors and have started hiking recently.

    10.  Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know?
    I minored in classical studies because I found the classes interesting in college and have not used anything that I learned even once since I graduated!

  • Wed, July 19, 2023 8:50 AM | Melissa Byrnes (Administrator)

    Dayna Browne

    Senior Recruiting Coordinator - US

    Latham & Watkins LLP

    This month WALRAA is proud to feature Dayna Browne! Dayna serves at WALRAA’s Vice President. She has been a member since 2019. Read about her path to working in attorney recruiting, favorite career moments and more in her own words below. 

    1.      How long have you been a member of WALRAA? What has been your favorite experience so far?
    I have been a WALRAA member since 2019. It's been fun serving on the Board of Directors and as Vice President this year! I've been able to build genuine relationships with colleagues from other firms and law schools and I'm grateful for that.

    2.      How has WALRAA helped you in your field?
    WALRAA has been a great resource to build my network since joining. Whether I need bounce a quick idea around or vent about how hectic our jobs can be, it's nice to have folks that just "get it".

    3.      How did you first learn about and get started in Attorney Recruiting/Career Services?
    Like most of us (I think), I fell into attorney recruiting and didn't really know much about it. I had plans of going to law school and was curious about how the summer associates at my first firm were getting hired and generally what law firms were looking for. Five years later, I'm not a practicing attorney shockingly but I am loving the role I'm currently in!

    4.      What is your favorite moment of your career so far?
    There have been so many, but two that stick out would be hiring my first class of summer associates and being able to represent my firm externally this year to market a new pre-law program.

    5.      What is it that challenges you most in your job?
    Not being able to do everything!

    6.      How do you balance your career and personal life?
    In order to be my best self at work, I have to prioritize myself. I got back into working out about 9 months ago so staying active helps ALOT. Other than that, I make time for hanging with friends/family and traveling. I also have a supportive team that knows how important self-care is to me and encourages me to take time off when I need it.

    7.      What professional goals have you set for yourself this year?
    This year, I want to continue improving my public speaking skills and leadership skills to support the junior members on my team.

    8.      What is the best professional advice you have received?
    You are your best advocate - no one will believe in you if you don't believe in yourself first! Also, go after what you want even it scares you or seems unrealistic.

    9.      What do you like to do for fun?
    Working out has been my thing lately! I weightlift about 4-5 times a week and I just started boxing 2 times a week. If I'm not in the gym, you can catch me planning my next vacation!

    10.  Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know?
    I hope to compete professionally in bodybuilding in the next 2 years.

  • Wed, June 28, 2023 9:03 AM | Melissa Byrnes (Administrator)

    Rachel Lawrence

    Assistant Director for Legal Recruitment

    The Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law

    This month WALRAA is proud to feature Rachel Lawrence! Rachel is the Assistant Director for Legal Recruitment at the Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law. She joined WALRAA last year in 2022. Read about her experience working in the career services at a law school, her fun summer plans and more in her own words below. 

    1.      How long have you been a member of WALRAA? What has been your favorite experience so far?
    I have been a member since 2022, and heard great things about it years before. There have been so many great experiences! Most recently the April Virtual Fireside Chat with Ritu Bhasin. It was incredibly uplifting and inspiring!

    2.      How has WALRAA helped you in your field?
    WALRAA provides an important network of information-sharing between law school and law school, and law schools and firms. And the community makes the work that much more enjoyable!

    3.      How did you first learn about and get started in Attorney Recruiting/Career Services?
    I have worn many hats at the law school and feel lucky to have found a home with career services! I love helping students and connecting with the outside legal community!

    4.      What is your favorite moment of your career so far?
    My favorite moment in my career so far has been sitting down with and listening to students. It is a joyful experience to help them feel heard and to increase their confidence to take the next steps toward their desired path.

    5.      What is it that challenges you most in your job?
    Time! There is always so much to do! I appreciate tips to work smart while retaining a work life balance. Our career office and law school are very supportive - everyone pitches in when needed!

    6.      How do you balance your career and personal life?
    Our office and law school offer a lot of flexibility, which is amazing! Our career office supports each other in getting the work done and being present for students, and also having time outside of the office for telework and time with family and friends.

    7.      What professional goals have you set for yourself this year?
    I am excited to take on a more formal role in counseling students.

    8.      What is the best professional advice you have received?
    We all make mistakes and it is important not to internalize them and to move forward productively.

    9.      What do you like to do for fun?
    I love being active: walking or jogging with friends, playing soccer with my kids, and dancing! I am taking a trampoline class this summer!

    10.  Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know?
    I worked in Ireland after college for six months!

  • Fri, May 19, 2023 8:59 AM | Melissa Byrnes (Administrator)

    Bhavisha Dave

    Senior Legal Education and Development Coordinator
    Kirkland & Ellis LLP

    This month WALRAA is proud to feature Bhavisha Dave. Bhavisha is the Senior Legal Education and Development Coordinator at Kirkland & Ellis LLP. She joined WALRAA last year in 2022 and loves the many networking opportunities. Read about her experience with in Legal Education and Development, her professional goals and more in her own words below. 

    1.      How long have you been a member of WALRAA? What has been your favorite experience so far?
    I joined WALRAA in 2022! My favorite experience so far was the 2023 Educational Conference. I had a blast meeting new WALRAA members and attending the different sessions.

    2.      How has WALRAA helped you in your field?
    WALRAA has helped me break out of my shell by providing me with networking opportunities. This has allowed me expand my network in comfortable, welcoming spaces. I have also been able to reconnect with old colleagues which has been so wonderful.

    3.      How did you first learn about and get started in Attorney Recruiting/Career Services?
    I got started in Legal Education and Development right out of college as a temp. I was lucky enough that my former manager took a chance on me and hired me to be a part of her team. I realized that I really enjoyed the work and the industry and the rest is history!

    4.      What is your favorite moment of your career so far?
    My favorite moment in my career so far has been putting together programs that support our diverse attorneys.

    5.      How do you balance your career and personal life?
    I have not always been the best at it however I am trying to prioritize that this year! I schedule plans with friends, time off/vacations so that I always to have something to look forward to. I am also very lucky that I have a team so supportive of having a good work/life balance.

    6.      What professional goals have you set for yourself this year?
    I'd like to improve on my public speaking skills and executive presence

    7.      What is the best professional advice you have received?
     Q-TIP: Quit Taking It Personally

    8.      What do you like to do for fun?
    I really enjoy discovering new music and making playlists that fit a specific vibe/mood/feeling! I have also recently gotten into SoulCycle and of course, I love spending time with my family's dog. He is hands down the best part of my day, every day!

    9.  Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know?
    I taught myself how to play guitar when I was home from college on winter break one year.

  • Fri, May 12, 2023 11:47 AM | Sarah Hayden (Administrator)

    Written by: Robert Iafolla

    Many employers that turned to hybrid work schedules during the pandemic are retaining that model of employees splitting work time between the office and home, a survey of employers showed.

    Just over 70% of US employers surveyed use the hybrid working model, according to a report released Wednesday by labor and employment firm Littler Mendelson PC. Although some employers have a mix of workers on hybrid and in-person schedules, just 16% said they fully require in-person work.

    “It really looks like it’s here to stay,” said Littler attorney Devjani Mishra, who leads the management-side firm’s trio of teams focused on Covid-19, return-to-work, and vaccination issues.

    Full Article

  • Mon, April 17, 2023 2:23 PM | Melissa Byrnes (Administrator)


    Senior Recruiting Coordinator - US
    Latham & Watkins

    This month WALRAA is proud to feature Nicole Cantarelli. Nicole serves as WALRAA's President. She started recruiting career her while in undergrad at UVA working in the Office of Private Practice. She's been a member of WALRAA since 2018. Read about her experience with in recruiting, her best professional advice, and more in her own words below. 

    1.      How long have you been a member of WALRAA? What has been your favorite experience so far?
    I have been a WALRAA member since 2018! I have had a ton of really great experiences and memories from being part of the organization. One of the experiences that is deeply engrained into my memory is planning the 2020 Educational Conference. It was such a great opportunity to network and learn about the organization and our partners. I will say that my favorite WALRAA events are the Holiday parties (with karaoke after, of course).

    2.      How has WALRAA helped you in your field?
    WALRAA has helped me make lasting friends and connections in the field. It has also given me so many opportunities to grow and challenge myself outside of my day-to-day work. It has been super rewarding serving WALRAA in multiple capacities and I really enjoy creating educational opportunities for our members and as well as ways for those in our industry to form relationships with one another.

    3.      How did you first learn about and get started in Attorney Recruiting/Career Services?
    I owe it all to Kevin Donovan and the UVA Law Office of Private Practice. While I was in undergrad working at UVA's OPP, Kevin and did not know what I wanted to do with my career post-grad, the team recommended that I look into Attorney Recruiting. When Kevin introduced me to Lynn, Tacie, and Samantha - I knew that it was the field for me, and the rest is history!

    4.      What is your favorite moment of your career so far?
    While I was a recruiting assistant, I became a notary to help out with some documents on the recruiting team. I realized after that notaries can also swear law clerks into the Bar. Playing a part in making the people that I recruited officially members of the Bar is a memory I'll cherish forever.

    5.      What is it that challenges you most in your job?
    This is a tough one! Our jobs are extremely fast paced in nature. While the fast pace is exciting, and makes the day go by quicker - we have a lot on our plates and it gets tiring! This is why it's so important to have colleagues and friends who are supportive and will help you when things get especially busy.

    6.      How do you balance your career and personal life?
    I work hard to make sure that fun plans stay on the calendar. Having a personal life, seeing friends, and doing fun things is so important for our mental health.

    7.      What professional goals have you set for yourself this year?
    My goals this year are to continue to build my network and work on my supervisory skills to help my team to ensure that they are getting opportunities to grow.

    8.      What is the best professional advice you have received?
    Don't let perfection stand in the way of good.

    9.      What do you like to do for fun?
    I love exploring the DC restaurant scene, going on walks with friends, traveling, and going to work out classes. If anyone ever wants to go to a class together, let me know!

    10.  Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know?
    I spent this past summer living in San Francisco!

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