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  • Fri, February 19, 2021 11:56 AM | Sarah Hayden (Administrator)

    Written by: Zach Warren

    As Christine Simmons noted last week, Coca-Cola GC Bradley Gayton made waves in late January in unveiling a new set of diversity standards for outside firms working with the company. According to the new guidelines, law firms must provide Coca-Cola with self-identified diversity data for a quarterly analysis of the diversity of teams working on the company’s matters. At least 30% of the lawyers on Coca-Cola’s new cases have to be diverse, half must be Black. Firms that fall short multiple times will see a reduction in fees or possibly lose Coca-Cola’s business entirely.

    Gayton’s efforts advance the ball further in what has been an increasing realization among corporate legal departments and law firms alike: diversity metrics have real power. A record 117 firms sought certification for the industry’s “Mansfield Rule” last year, after all, in which firms agree to consider at least 30% women, lawyers of color, LGBTQ+ lawyers, and lawyers with disabilities for leadership and senior positions. “You can’t get what you don’t measure,” Diversity Lab CEO Caren Ulrich Stacy said last summer. “One thing the Mansfield Rule does that no one really talked about is, as a foundational premise, it requires that firms track their candidate pools.”

    But amidst this new rush to measure, it’s also worth asking the question: What data should the legal industry actually be measuring? Some legal initiatives have focused on strictly quantitative data—number of diverse attorneys, percentage of partners, etc.—in large part because it’s easy to track. But there’s also qualitative data to consider—the quality of work diverse lawyers are getting, advancement opportunities, inclusion in practice culture, and more. In Coca-Cola’s new guidelines, for instance, there are the quantitative metrics, but also qualitative: Outside firms need to be transparent about how origination credit is awarded and identify at least two diverse attorneys as a potential successor to a partner on Coca-Cola’s book of business. But that’s the sort of data the legal industry may not be ready for.

    Full Article

  • Fri, February 12, 2021 12:15 PM | Sarah Hayden (Administrator)

    Written by: Nathan Cemenska, Wolters Kluwer ELM Solutions

    While increasing diversity can seem like a daunting task, having quantifiable goals is a key and helpful step for kickstarting progress. Here are three steps for ensuring your organization can quantify its pathway to diversity.

    The legal industry, like many others, has been working to improve its efforts toward diversity and inclusion. According to the American Bar Association (ABA), 85% of lawyers in the United States were white and 64% were men as recently as 2018. A myriad of initiatives aimed at remedying the lack of diversity exist, but one place corporate legal departments (CLDs) can start is by requiring an improvement in the diversity of their outside counsel.

    Full Article

  • Tue, December 29, 2020 1:36 PM | Anonymous


    Manager of Legal Recruiting
    Ropes & Gray LLP

    This month WALRAA is proud to feature Ed Lafayette. Ed is a proud Vermonter and got started in the legal field as a paralegal. He has been a member of WALRAA since 2014 and enjoys the quality interactions he's experienced there with other members. Read about his experience in recruitinghis favorite moments, and more in the questions below. 

    1.      How long have you been a member of WALRAA? What has been your favorite experience so far?
    I became a member of WALRAA in early 2014 when I joined Ropes & Gray. I have enjoyed so many parts of my WALRAA experience so far. The most impactful has been the amazing colleagues I have met and the many opportunities the organization provides for quality interaction between its members.

    2.      How has WALRAA helped you in your field?
    WALRAA has introduced me to a tremendous community of peers who have always been happy to share their knowledge, insight, and support throughout every level of my recruiting career. WALRAA programming has helped me develop professionally while making meaningful personal connections at the same time. It is truly a bright spot in our profession that helps me enjoy what I do.

    3.      How did you first learn about and get started in Attorney Recruiting/Career Services?
    I previously worked at another DC firm as a paralegal, and had enjoyed my interaction with the recruiting team there. After a few enjoyable years helping run a DC area law school admissions office, I decided to return to a firm. I found a posting for a coordinator position with a strong amount of overlap in the recruitment aspects of the admissions role, and thought it would be something I would really enjoy doing. I was lucky to end up here.

    4.      What is your favorite moment of your career so far?
    I feel like there are so many great moments that really help me appreciate what we do. I still get excited every time a candidate calls or emails to accept an offer. I love orientation, when those students you spent the previous summer with return to the firm with a ton of opportunity in front of them. It's a great feeling when you see a student you first met in a hospitality suite getting recognized for their outstanding work at the firm.

    5.      What is it that challenges you most in your job?
    It might be too specific of an answer, but navigating a fully-virtual recruitment cycle has certainly made things challenging. While this has limited the in-person interaction that I find truly enjoyable, it has forced us to expand our interviewing capabilities and develop new methods of connecting with candidates and colleagues who are in various locations, which should provide value well past 2020.

    6.      How do you balance your career and personal life?
    It helps that I have a very supportive partner and it doesn't hurt that she is a teacher who has more free time than I do in the summer, when extra hours are needed. I do my best to dedicate as much time as I can for family, friends, and some fun travel.

    7.      What is the best professional advice you have received?
     Not to fear change or a challenge.

    8.      What do you like to do for fun?
    I love to play adult softball, go to Nats games, and coach or attend whatever sport my ten year old daughter is playing in any given season. This year there has been a lot more time spent walking, hiking, and doing puzzles.

    9.  Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know?
    I am proud to be a Vermonter and I grew up across the street form Bernie Sanders!

  • Fri, December 18, 2020 10:38 AM | Sarah Hayden (Administrator)

    Written by: Katelyn Vue

    Several law students are advocating for greater measures to ensure their mental health and well-being during the pandemic, including changing grading curves in recognition of the challenges of online learning.

    The University announced in early December it would only allow undergraduate students on the Twin Cities campus to switch to or from the pass/fail grading system.

    On the same day of the pass/fail announcement, Garry W. Jenkins, dean of the Law School, sent an email to reaffirm that the Law School would not make any changes to its grading policy.

    According to Jenkins’ email, an abrupt change to grading might disadvantage students who worked hard to improve their grades and could create barriers to employment, as many law schools across the country have not implemented pass/fail options for the fall.

    Full Article

  • Mon, November 23, 2020 11:49 AM | Anonymous


    Talent Acquisition &  Development Administrator
    Paul Hastings

    This month WALRAA is proud to feature Ashley-Marie Julian. Ashley serves on WALRAA's Board of Directors and is next year's At-Large member. She started her legal career as an Associate in New York and quickly realized she had a passion for recruiting. She's been a member of WALRAA since 2016. Read about her experience with in recruitingher best advice for getting through OCI, and more in her own words below. 

    1.      How long have you been a member of WALRAA? What has been your favorite experience so far?
    I have been a member of WALRAA since 2016. I’ve really enjoyed serving on the Board of Directors and look forward to another year of creating fun and informative content for our members.

    2.      How has WALRAA helped you in your field?
    WALRAA is an excellent community of professionals who have a wealth of knowledge.  Often times, if I’ve been stumped, I’ll reach out to my mentoring circle for advice. The WALRAA network has been invaluable to my career and development over these past 4 years.

    3.      How did you first learn about and get started in Attorney Recruiting/Career Services?
    I actually started my legal career as an Associate at a firm in New York. I was very close with our recruiting team and loved the energy and excitement every summer and with every new incoming class. As time went on, I found myself looking for more ways to get involved in legal recruiting and decided to make the leap to the administrative side when our family was transferred down to Virginia (I’m a proud Navy wife).

    4.      What is your favorite moment of your career so far?
    I don’t have just one! It’s always rewarding to connect with students at OCI and see them thriving as successful associates a couple years later after having spent the summer with us. I’m looking forward to the day when one of my summers is elected to partnership, I imagine that’s the ultimate full circle moment.

    5.      What is it that challenges you most in your job?
    If this year has taught me anything,  it’s to remain flexible and nimble and that a little creativity goes a long way. One of the things I love most about this job is that no two days are ever the same and this year has definitely kept me on my toes!

    6.      How do you balance your career and personal life?
    The two have definitely blended during these times. I have a toddler and it’s important to me that I’m there for bath-time and bedtime. While we’re currently in a WFH environment, I appreciate that I have the flexibility to spend time with my daughter and then log back in later if I need to.

    7.      What professional goals have you set for yourself this year?
    As a new mom, I hoped to keep all of the balls in the air without dropping them! COVID has brought forth a number of challenges within our industry. I’ve been amazed at how we’ve all been able to quickly pivot to virtual programming and recruiting events and beyond proud of how we’ve kept things moving without missing a beat!

    8.      What is the best professional advice you have received?
     It’s a marathon not a sprint – I can’t think of a better way to describe OCI!

    9.      What do you like to do for fun?
    I love spending time with my one year old daughter and our two dogs and cats. It’s been great getting extra time with her and being home to catch all of her milestones.

    10.  Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know?
    Before buying our first home in 2018,  I moved a total of 15 times across 6 states in a 10 year span.  

  • Wed, October 28, 2020 4:09 PM | Anonymous


    Partner Recruiting & Integration Senior Coordinator
    Latham & Watkins

    This month WALRAA is proud to feature Caroline Waters. Caroline is originally from New Orleans and moved to Washington, D.C. in 2012. She has been a member of WALRAA for 8 years and believes the association and it's wonderful members have been instrumental in fast tracking her career growth here in D.C. Read about her experience with Hurricane Katrinaher favorite foods, and more in her own words below. 

    1.      How long have you been a member of WALRAA? What has been your favorite experience so far?
    I have been a member of WALRAA for 8 years---it's hard to believe how fast time flies when you're having fun! My favorite experience has been my time spent on the board. It's given me the opportunity to work with so many amazing people from other law firms and schools that I otherwise wouldn't have had the chance to meet and get to know. So many wonderful friendships have been formed through WALRAA that I cherish dearly.

    2.      How has WALRAA helped you in your field?
    WALRAA has played a crucial role throughout the path of my recruiting career. Not only has it amplified my professional development through the many programming opportunities, mentorships, and relationships I have formed, but it has provided me with opportunities to learn so much from my peers and engage in leadership roles outside of my employer that have been instrumental in my career growth.

    3.      How did you first learn about and get started in Attorney Recruiting/Career Services?
    When I moved to DC from Birmingham, AL in 2012, I was in need of a job and a good friend of mine, who is a member of RADS (Recruiting Association of Dallas), introduced me to a colleague of hers who was in WALRAA. She quickly put me in touch with other WALRAA members, including the wonderful recruiting team at Hogan (thank you Lynn & Irena), where I had my first recruiting role as an assistant, and the rest is history...!

    4.      What is your favorite moment of your career so far?
    I don't know if I have just one favorite moment but I have always loved getting to watch the career growth of students and attorneys I've helped recruit throughout the years. In my current role of hiring lateral partners, I've enjoyed seeing the synergies of how the attorney and their practice fit into and help enhance our platform.

    5.      What is it that challenges you most in your job?
    Given that our team is relatively new to Latham, it's been a challenge paving a new way for lateral partner recruiting and integration. Luckily the firm as a whole and the many other departments that play integral roles throughout the recruiting and integration processes have been nothing but supportive to our team.

    6.      How do you balance your career and personal life?
    It's not always easy to do but I try to remind myself to take time to do things that I love to do outside of work and try to spend as much time as I can with friends and family.

    7.      What professional goals have you set for yourself this year?
    Because I'm still fairly new to my role in partner recruiting and to Latham, my goals are to continue to learn about the firm and the many practices, as well as continue to build my professional network both internally and outside of the firm.

    8.      What is the best professional advice you have received?
    As we all know, our industry can sometimes feel like there's no room for error, but it's important to remember that it's okay to make mistakes from time to time. Learning from mistakes and how to deal with such situations can play a big role in developing judgement, decision making and professional growth.

    9.      What do you like to do for fun?
    I love to travel as much as I can. Although I love traveling to new places, you can typically find me in my hometown of New Orleans and visiting my six nieces and nephews in Chicago and Houston. I also love to cook, particularly creole/cajun dishes such as gumbo, jambalaya and red beans and rice. Lastly, I love watching football - Who Dat & Roll Tide!

    10.  Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know?
    Hurricane Katrina hit a week after starting out my senior year of high school. I was misplaced with my family in Alpharetta, GA where I spent 4 months at a new high school before returning back to New Orleans to finish out the school year. It was definitely an interesting experience relocating with only a weekends worth of clothes, living in a hotel and starting at a new school where I knew no one, but everyone was so nice and welcoming and I ended up making some really great friends who I still keep in touch with today!

  • Fri, October 23, 2020 11:21 AM | Sarah Hayden (Administrator)

    Written by: Justin Wise

    Law360 (October 21, 2020, 4:37 PM EDT) -- The employment rate reached near-historic highs for the 2019 law school graduation class, but a stark disparity in outcomes between white and racial minority graduates persists, according to a set of findings released Wednesday by the National Association for Law Placement.

    In a year when the employment rate for recent grads climbed to levels not seen in over a decade, Black and Native American individuals still had significantly lower levels of success in the job market than their peers, an NALP survey of more than 33,000 graduates found. Figures also showed a wide gap between white graduates and Black individuals when it comes to jobs requiring passage of the bar exam.

    Full Article

  • Fri, September 18, 2020 9:20 AM | Anonymous


    Recruiting & Professional Personnel Manager
    Kelley Drye & Warren

    This month WALRAA is proud to feature Anastasia Huvelle. Anastasia started her career in human resources in Chicago before taking on roles that combined recruiting and HR at law firms in Washington, DC. She has been a member of WALRAA since 2017 and credits the association for the opportunities it has provided both for her and her firm. Find out why the French-Algerian war is important to her, what motivates her, and more in her own words below. 

    1.      How long have you been a member of WALRAA? What has been your favorite experience so far?
    I have been a member of WALRAA for about three years. I have found the monthly lunches to be great networking opportunities and the programming at the Education Conference in March was fantastic.

    2.      How has WALRAA helped you in your field?
    WALRAA has given me the opportunity to connect with law firm counterparts and professionals in career services. The support and guidance from the WALRAA community has been an asset to my professional life. A connection I made at a WALRAA lunch last year led to the hiring of a fantastic summer associate that will be joining the firm after graduation.

    3.      How did you first learn about and get started in Attorney Recruiting/Career Services?
    In 2013, I started working in HR at Dentons Chicago. I loved the law firm environment, and I thought legal recruiting would be challenging and a lot of fun. My fiancé (now husband) and I moved back to the East Coast and I subsequently took on positions at MoloLamken and Kelley Drye that combined HR and Legal Recruiting. I get the best of both worlds!

    4.      What is your favorite moment of your career so far?
    I am incredibly proud of the Summer Program the Kelley Drye Recruiting/Professional Development team developed and executed this past July. It was probably the biggest challenge of my career as we wanted to maintain the connections and relationships developed during an in-person program and translate them virtually.

    5.      What is it that challenges you most in your job?
    In 2020, the biggest challenge has been developing ways to connect with new/summer associates in a virtual environment. I look forward to some good old-fashioned social events one day.

    6.      How do you balance your career and personal life?
    I have never understood this question - I don't think there is such a thing as balance. My career and personal life constantly overlap - an ebb and flow. Sometimes my children play work, and I overhear them pretending to call my colleagues or partners. I hope that I set a positive example for them with my career.

    7.      What professional goals have you set for yourself this year?
    I am proud to work for a firm that supports a wide-range of D&I initiatives. As a recruiter, it is my job and pleasure to continue to hire people from diverse backgrounds and support them in their law firm careers.

    8.      What is the best professional advice you have received?
    You can have it all, but you can't have it all at once.

    9.      What do you like to do for fun?
    My husband and I have two children, Charlie (4) and Lily (2). On the weekends, we like to spend as much time outdoors as possible. 

    10.  Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know?
    In a previous life, I wanted to be a History Professor and wrote my master's thesis on the cultural impact of the French-Algerian war on the metropole.

  • Fri, September 11, 2020 11:57 AM | Sarah Hayden (Administrator)

    Written by: Greta Anderson

    A mountain of troubling data about rising mental health problems has health advocates and providers worried about the need for additional support for struggling students and the ability of colleges to provide it.

    While the country continues to battle the coronavirus, college health professionals are also monitoring a growing crisis among young adults struggling with mental health problems, including suicidal ideation, anxiety and depression related to the pandemic.

    Full Article

  • Mon, July 20, 2020 1:13 PM | Anonymous


    Legal Recruiting Manager
    Norton Rose Fulbright

    Message from Uroosa: Hi everyone, 2020 has been a year of one crazy thing after another but we’re all surviving! Keep your heads up and let’s stay engaged and connected whether it’s through zoom or virtual happy hours or our mentor circles. I’m grateful to all my friends and colleagues in WALRAA for being available as a resource when I’ve needed help and a soundboard on days where I’ve needed to vent. As cliché as it sounds, the people you meet through WALRAA actually do become your friends and professional and personal network so take advantage of this group.

    1.      How long have you been a member of WALRAA? What has been your favorite experience so far?
    I have been in WALRAA for about 4 years at this point - My favorite part has definitely been the Educational Conferences. I was lucky enough to be on one of the planning committees for 2018 and recently attended the 2020 Educational Conference at the Wharf and found the sessions to be so insightful and relevant to the current global environment.

    2.      How has WALRAA helped you in your field?
    WALRAA has been such an integral part of my network building and getting to know people I work with across law schools on a more personal level. It's so nice to actually show up to the monthly meetings (back when we could actually do that) and just gather round with colleagues and counterparts from other firms and law schools and engage in conversations to bounce ideas off each other. It's really helped me expand my professional and personal network in the DC area.

    3.      How did you first learn about and get started in Attorney Recruiting/Career Services?
    I actually started my career as a temp back in 2016 when I thought I would work for a year and go to law school. Little baby me did not know the world of recruiting had so much to offer, so here I am 4 years later and not planning to leave anytime soon!

    4.      What is your favorite moment of your career so far?
    There are so many "small" victories that occur during our day to day life as a recruiter but my favorite moment is when I meet students at outreach events and then seeing them go through the cycle of coming to our firm and getting selected as a summer and moving through the process to return as a full time associate is definitely rewarding as I find a lot of joy and pride in seeing someone make it all the way through.

    5.      What is it that challenges you most in your job?
    Unfortunately, the world of law firm recruiting can be challenging to navigate. Sometimes there are great candidates, whether they are students or laterals that have so much to offer but we can't always accommodate them.

    6.      How do you balance your career and personal life?
    The lines don't even exist anymore with COVID-19! Jokes aside, I do try to stay offline on weekends and devote my time to my kids and family. I think it's important to set boundaries and have learned that the world will not come crumbling down if I don't respond to every single email that comes my way seconds within arriving in my inbox.

    7.      What professional goals have you set for yourself this year?
    I have definitely become more vocal and assertive in my new role as a Manager and would like to continue to work on my professional development this year by networking more, delegating where I can and asking for help. I've always had an 'I'll just do it myself" attitude but that can get exhausting sometimes so I'm learning to let that go and build better teamworking habits.

    8.      What is the best professional advice you have received?
    Honestly, the best advice I've gotten was that "Someone's always watching, so always do your best even if you don't think it makes a difference." I have found this to be extremely true throughout my career. There are times when it can feel as if no one cares about the work you do or recognizes the effort you've put in but time and time again, someone is always paying attention and things don't go unnoticed whether good or bad. I'm glad I always try to give my all to any and every task I get involved with. It's definitely paid off for me in the long run.

    9.      What do you like to do for fun?
    I love to cook and dance with my two daughters - most people that know me know how much I gush over my girls so spending quality time with them is so important and they seem to have my love for dancing and eating!

    10.  Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know?
    I actually just started a cooking channel on YouTube with my husband and daughter about a month ago during COVID-19 and it's been such a fun experience for all three of us. It's so much work to be a content creator for YouTube by the way, but we are all having a blast so far. If anyone is interested in any recipes - the link to our channel is included!


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